Poshmark Share Groups – Should I Join?

Poshmark share groupsUsers created Poshmark share groups as a way to help each other out and get listings to reach a broader audience.  You might have roughly 1,000 followers, and one of your PFF’s might also have around 1,000 followers.  But are those all of the same closets?  Between the two of you, you might actually have 1,500 different followers.

When you share an item, it goes to your followers, but when your PFF shares the same item, it goes out to all of her followers.  Having other people sharing your closet helps your listings reach more people than are actually following you.

Share groups are built on this concept of maximizing the number of people that your listings can reach.  They are organized and run by individual poshers.  Some user listings in their own closets to run the share groups and some user external Facebook groups.

What do I do in a share group?

Every share group operates differently and has its own set of rules.  Usually, you must complete a specified number of shares for each person in the group at a designated time or before a cutoff date and time.

Some share groups require regular participation and others let you sign up whenever you have time.  The rules also differ about letting you choose which items to share from someone’s closet or requiring you to share their first 10 or so listings.

Drawbacks of share groups

Often, the share groups requiring regular participation will kick you out if you are unable to complete your shares too many times in a row.  This can sour relationships in the Poshmark community, but many users understand that the group rules require commitment and persistence.

Depending on the group’s rules and the number of people participating, the time commitment can be a lot.

When are share groups beneficial?

I think that share groups provide the most benefit when you are still growing your followers.  Since your listings can reach a much larger number of buyers when others are sharing them, it’s a great way to grow interest in what you have to offer.  It can also entice people to follow your closet if they see items that fit their style.

The second benefit of share groups is that you can get to know some wonderful poshers.  They become your PFFs and are usually wonderful ladies that are there to support and encourage you.  It gives you something to look forward to and is a fun way to be social in the app.

I loved being a part of share groups when I was first starting out, but I eventually found that it took up way too much of my time.  I don’t participate in them currently, but I appreciated what they offered when I was actively using them.

If you are interested in checking out some share groups, you can find them by searching right in Poshmark.  Read and understand the rules before you ask to join so you know what you are committing to.  I would recommend only joining one or two share groups at a time so that you know you will be able to complete all of the shares required without getting too overwhelmed.

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This entry was posted in Sharing.


  1. Askshane says:

    Very interesting post.

    It looks as though Poshmark has a lot more to offer than I thought.

    Really didn’t think about using share groups in this way before.

    Do you have any advice on how to grow my follower on Poshmark even further? I think that would offer the most benefit to me.

    • Kiersten says:

      Thanks for stopping by!

      At first, the best way to grow your followers in Poshmark is to follow AND share listings from other closets. Many users adopt a share-for-share strategy in the beginning

      After having a Poshmark account for 3 months, then you are eligible to apply to become a Suggested User and then you basically get hundreds of new followers for free every few days. I have a page here that explains more about that. It’s an awesome program!

  2. DanielHauge says:

    This is some extremely useful information about Share groups! I really didn’t know all these things. I can now see that i should definitely join a share group. And since all i’m wanting to grow my business, this post is even more relevant to me. Thank you so much for teaching us what you know about share group!

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